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Welcome to Abbey Surgery

28 Plymouth Road, Tavistock, PL19 8BU Tel: 01822 612247 Email:

Abbey Surgery is a long established General Medical Practice serving Tavistock and the surrounding area. We have a car park for the use of patients and a dedicated disabled parking bay, flat level access and wide entry doors for disabled access.

Register with Abbey Surgery

NHS - If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online.

Receiving calls from Pharmacist and Text Messages from Abbey Surgery

Pharmacist Telephone Calls


We work with Pharmacists that are not based in our Surgery.

We task them to make telephone calls to selected Patients to review your medication and your health diagnosis.

They will ask how you are coping and questions regarding your medication to enable an annual review.

They may or may not ask you to make appointments for blood tests or to see the Nurse or Doctor.

Texts from the Surgery


From time to time we may send you a text or e-mail asking you to click on links for various reasons.

These links enable you to supply up to date blood pressures, questions about your Asthma, COPD, smoking and so on. Your answers will come straight back to the Surgery.

We may also send you a text or an email with a link to book an appointment.

This link will enable you to book an appointment directly if there is a particular type of appointment we would like you to attend.


We offer routine appointments with both our Doctors and Nurses.

You will be offered the choice of a telephone or face to face appointment.

If your usual Doctor is unavailable, we will offer a routine appointment with another Doctor.

If you need to be seen sooner and you believe it is urgent for today, please call before 11:00.

If you ring on the day after 11:00 there will be limited urgent appointments.

4th February 2022

Free Delivery Service for your medication

If you are a patient who has their medication dispensed from our Dispensary in Tavistock and you have trouble in coming into the Surgery to collect your medication, we can now deliver your medication direct to your door. If you are not a patient who has their medication dispensed by us BUT you live more than a mile from a Pharmacy you would be able to take advantage of this service. If this applies to you and you would like to change and let us dispense your medication to you please let us know and we will deliver it for you now!!


We would value your opinion on what medical services you would like to see developed in Tavistock so that we can share your ideas with other Practices now working with us as West Devon Primary Care Home and the local Clinical Commissioning Group. We would then campaign on your behalf for more localised services should there be enough demand and funding. Please feel free to either e-mail us at or write in addressed for the attention of Darren Newland - Practice Manager.

Contact Details

This is a polite reminder that if you change your e-mail address, mobile telephone number, home telephone number or home address please can you let us know the new details as soon as possible

Reception Opening Times at Tavistock:

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 6:30pm
(Telephones 8.30am - 6.30pm)

Sat 8:00am - 12:00am
(By prior appointment - no telephone service)

Doctor and Nurse pre-bookable appointments on above Saturday Surgeries

Dispensary Opening Times:

Mon - Fri 8.30am - 6.30pm
(Telephones 8.30am - 6.30pm)

Sat 8:00am - 12:00am
( no telephone service )

Reception Opening Times at Bere Alston:

Mon - Fri 8:30am - 6:30pm
(Telephones 8.30am - 6.30pm)

We are closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Patient Access

Patient Access - online service for booking appointments, repeat prescriptions, updating your details or viewing your health record.

Before you can use this service, you need to register.

NHS 111

If you need to speak to a Doctor after the surgery has closed, please call the NHS on 111.

If an emergency, dial 999.

COVID Helplines

In touch at home, Tavistock - download a list of helplines for support during COVID.

University of Plymouth Peninsula Medical School

This Healthcare Organisation is working together with the University of Plymouth, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry to host students (Medical, Dental and / or Physician Associate) to assist with their learning. You may be asked to talk to or be seen by a student either with the doctor or nurse or on their own. The student will introduce him or herself and ask to discuss your medical problem and examine you.

Students are supervised at all times by the placement supervisor and a health care professional, usually your doctor. Like qualified practitioners, the students guarantee your privacy and confidentiality. You may find helping students in their learning interesting and stimulating.

The students and the Faculty appreciate your contribution to the education of future doctors, dentists and physician associates. If you would like to make any comment or have further questions, please speak to a member of staff.

Do patients have to accept?

If at any stage you DO NOT wish to be seen by the Medical, Dental or Physician Associate student you may decline the offer. You DO NOT have to give a reason and your care will not be affected in any way.