We provide the links below for information only and do not accept responsibility for their content or accuracy, or for any actions you may take as a consequence of visiting these sites. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site; likewise, not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement.
- Age UK
- Alcohol
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Versus Arthritis
- Asthma UK
- BBC News – Health
- Blood Donation
- Blood Pressure Association
- British Heart Foundation
- British and Irish Hypertension Society
- Care during Chemotherapy
- Change 4 Life (Obesity)
- Department of Health and Social Care
- Mental health & learning disability
- Diabetes UK
- Epilepsy
- Talkworks
- Travel Health Pro
- Go Smoke Free
- Go Vape Free
- Hearing & Mobility Tavistock
- In Touch Tavi
- Make a Difference Tavistock
- Medical Research Council
- Meningitis
- Menopause Matters
- Mind, the mental health charity
- Multiple Sclerosis Society
- My Decisions
- National Health Service
- Outreach Sensory Service (West Devon)
- Royal Osteoporosis Society
- Normal Magic
- Nutritionist Resource
- Patient UK
- Parkinsons Disease
- Prostate Cancer Charity
- Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
- Resuscitation Council
- Rethink Mental Illness
- Stroke Association
- Tavistock Area Support Services
- Tavistock Memory Cafe
- Transition Tavistock
- Young Minds